Here's a Strange One
Colin Kerr & the Rajah- Mynah Bird Song
This is the song "the Mynah Birds", Rick James & Neil Young's band recorded but this is an earlier version of the song done by another band.
More info here-garagehangover.com
Mynah Bird song-http://www.box.net/shared/8nle2uc923
From Garagehanover.com
Mynah Birds/Bobbi Lee Justice
Submitted by Bobbi Lee Justice (not verified) on November 2, 2008 - 4:25pm.
Bobbi and Lee and The Scepters were the original Mynah Birds and the first to record The Mynah Bird Hop ( Song ) as a studio demo for Colin Kerr and his brother who wrote the song....and this is probably what you have a copy of. The recording has no " B " side as we could not come to an agreement with Kerr as to what it would be...he wanted another song with Rajah and we wanted to record a cover of " Mr. Pitiful ", thus the " b " side remained blank and was used as a demo to shop to major labels etc. There were only a few hundred made and I gave my copy to Scott Young (a reporter and fan at the time) to give to his son Neil Young, who along with Rick James, had been filling in for us every third weekend at Mynah Bird Club while we played gigs outside the Village. Rick asked us if we were going to change our name and do a master recording of it and we declined, so they ended up striking a deal with Colin Kerr/Motown and eventually recorded it as The Mynah Birds. I do not have a copy of that original demo by us, and only know of one other that exists with the original keyboard player of Rick James Mynah Birds..but have not seen or heard it since 1966. it would be great if you could send me an mp3 of it or scan the cover pic to me..bobbileescepters@hotmail.com Keep Rockin..Bobbi Lee Justice
Hi, I have come across a copy which is now in my possession. I want to list it on ebay and not sure of it's value. Could you help me out? Thanks.
@anon, Do you still have this record?
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